Woman Up!

Woman Up! Series 4 Episode 2 - Sasha Kanster The Work of Ukrainian organisation 'Feminist Workshop'

Amy Dignam, Susan Merrick, Sasha Kantser Season 4 Episode 2

In Woman Up! Series 4 episode 2 we talked to Sasha Kanster, external affairs manager and educational projects manager for the Feminist Workshop organisation based in Lviv, Ukraine.
Sasha says ' I think a lot of people will find there is no space for art, they will need to do more practical things and feel pressure about it …. But some people also understand that art is the only way that we can deal with trauma at a collective level. I don't think we can go as a whole country to therapy! But art will allow us to work through this experience.'
For more info about their work during the war and to donate please visit: https://femwork.org/warinukraine/

This episode was produced in partnership with Procreate Project