Woman Up!

Woman Up! On Tour Exeter - Mothers Who Make

Amy Dignam and Susan Merrick

For our first ‘physical' On Tour episode we travelled to the Phoenix in Exeter to meet the amazing Lizzy Humber producer, artist, mother and co artistic director of the amazing Mothers Who Make movement. 

At the table with us we invited two artists who have been supported and empowered by the project, Amy Adkin and Dr. Kate Massey-Chase.

We also hosted live performances by spoken word artists Laura Free and Micha Colombo. 

Mothers Who Make is a growing international movement for women and non binary people who care about creating, and create whilst caring. 

Through a range of peer support meetings, artistic events and innovative projects they aim to support women and non-binary people to sustain their creative identities whilst also holding caring roles.

For more information https://motherswhomake.org/exeter